Friday, 15 July 2016

Top 10 Joey Special

Hi amazing people!

Once, I saw a poster with the writing on it "Everything I've learned, I've learned it from Friends". It meant not friends from our day-to-day life, but the iconic TV series "Friends". For those, who haven't watched it, I urge you to watch. Friends can really be a source of inspiration. It can teach that difficulties in our lives are temporary and the only thing that matters is to have people who understand and support us - friends.

Please see my selection of quotes "Top 10 Joey Special". As usual, for our Russian speaking friends, I translated those quotes in Russian. Enjoy!



Every time she starts laughing, I just want to pull my arm off so just I have something to 
throw at her. / Всякий раз как она начинает смеяться, мне хочется оторвать себе руку, чтобы только было чем в нее кинуть.

There is nothing I can do for Chandler right now – he is in his sweatpants. That is Day One. / Сейчас я ничего не могу сделать для Чендлера – он в спортивках. Это день номер один.

London baby! / Лондон Детка!

Hey! Ross came as Doddy. / Эй! Росс нарядился в Какашку.

- Talk New York to me again.  / Поговори со мной еще раз на Нью-Йоркский манер.
- How you doing’? / Как делишки?

Let’s just all think! / Давайте все просто подумаем!

I don’t need luck! I have thought this through. / Мне удача не нужна! У меня все продумано.

Dude, stop talking crazy and make us some tea! / Чувак, кончай болтать и организуй чаю!

I look woman up and down and I say, “Hey, how you doin’”?? / Я осматриваю женщину снизу 
вверх и потом говорю: "Как делишки"?

-You’ve got a little thing on your…  / У тебя что-то вот тут...
- Oh! Here? / О! Тут?

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